Breathwork Online Membership
Become the resilient human who wakes up everyday having a spiritual toolkit to choose from to navigate all of life’s expansion! Pursue your vision in areas of wellness, career, romance and finance all while ACTUALLY having a daily practice to rise up when life throws the curve balls!
Every Spiritual Master Knows
That you cannot get anywhere without consistency and the right practice. That's why I'm providing access to all of my 5-15 minute videos so you can pop them in everyday and start seeing how consistency and love make the whole difference!
Also you will get to be with me and my energy twice a month, when you'll learn new practices, show up and do the work together. This is the next right move to having the spiritual life of your dreams!
Listening to a Rolling Stones Record and having them perform live in your living room are two different things! You want real access to your teacher!

Welcome to the Guided By Biet Breathwork Online Membership
Where you can finally infuse your epic powers in business, romance, family and community with the needed spiritual tools you have been craving!
Life happens on a cross. The horizontal line is the “stuff” that you see and experience. The vertical line is the stuff you can’t see or prove! This breathwork membership gives you access to that INVISIBLE LINE! When you mix the invisible line WITH the visible line (success, fun, power, acquisitions) that’s when you get BLISS!
When you’re ready to priotitize the spiritual line, even if its with 5-10 minutes a day. EVERTYTHING CHANGES!

Biet is the real deal spiritual teacher. Her work cracks you open and changes something important forever.


Biet is my person. I think when you know you just know. She takes me by the hand and pulls me out of my bullshit and brings me into enlightenment. Every single time! She has that gift.


Working with Biet is like working with a magical key that opens up portals!

Does this resonate with your experience?
You CRAVE having a tool kit
that, when you get into a bad mood or feel a dip in confidence, you can turn to a trusted library of mini practices that will zap you into CONFIDENCE, FLOW STATE AND LOVE!
You wanna swap out your addictions
alcohol, netflix, procrastinating, etc. for a sense of purpose, awe and wonder! This is what the somatic trilogy you will have access to on the daily will give you!
You have felt deeply that you have more in you
that its not only on MDMA or through the use of some plant medicine that you remember who you are. You CRAVE remembering that every f*cking day!
You have felt a yearning to be with others
and have access to your real teacher.
You have known always that there is a way to navigate life
that allows for more flow, follow-through and joy!
This is because THERE IS A SOLUTION! With Biet’s signature BREATHWORK, SOMATIC & MEDITATION processes you will completely soar!
Have you ever wondered how someone like me got up after massive shock and tragedy, seemingly dusted it off and now HAS IT ALL!?
The answer is, I created a signature system using breathwork, somatic work and meditation that untangled me from the DAILY fears and pain that would show up. I created it and now I am sharing it with you in this membership!

There is no reason you can’t have it all!
Once you have access to all the daily videos you need and constant real contact with a real master of a real teaching, you will feel so taken care of. You will be catapulted into a life BEYOND your wildest dreams!

Let me show you how

DAILY PRACTICE - The answer to rock it at life
The truth is the answer is in a daily PRACTICE. Its all about showing up on the daily and getting yourself in the right mind, soul and heart space to F8cking rock it at life!
You can’t win because of some random kundalini class you took a few months ago, people! You need DAILY DOSES OF THE HIGHER!

In this membership I include my signature breathwork practice, the one you have seen Jimmy Fallon doing on THE TONIGHT SHOW. The one you have heard Mariel Hemingway rave about!
My breathwork system gets you as high as hallucinogenic drugs in 4 minutes! How many 4 minute appearances do you think you can make in your day, once you really get my method? Exactly. You can POP IT IN ANYWHERE!

My signature somatic practice will get you disconnecting your daily upsets from the trauma or wounds that started them! You will be fully alive in the PRESENT MOMENT!
You know who wins at life? People who know how to get to the present moment! People who know where the f*ck it even is!

LIVE SUPPORT - Spring into the new world
First access to online events!
I want this for you.
A full juicy life that has all its dimensions restored.
A full delicious life that has its wonder and awe and newness on the daily!

And who can’t use more meditation! Right?
But my system is unique and fresh. It doesn’t just have you sit on a pillow pretending to be calm. I give you concrete tools that use your body, senses and visualization to create a new kind of meditation! I have compiled meditation practices for people who are on the go, like me. People who overthink, like me! People who get upset sometimes and feel disappointment sometimes! LIKE ME! These ancient practices - which I have curated and shifted to a place where they've healed me from the gates of hell - I now share them ALL WITH YOU HERE!

What you get!
- Unlimited access to 24 NEW Breathwork, Somatic, and Meditation Lessons!
- Hours and Hours of Direct Teaching by Biet via Recorded Videos!
- NEW and updated Content Dropping Regularly!
- Recordings of Live Breathwork Events
- Premium Access to Online Workshops and Events!
- Breathwork 101 (coming)
- Breathwork FAQ (coming)

Biet is a strong and enchanting teacher. The only other methods I know to attain the states she induces through her work are illegal. She is a wonder.


Biet Simkin is a dream spiritual teacher. She helped me play a spiritual game that has brought me to a new joy state in my life. She is worth it.


As an artist, I gravitate towards Biet's work as a spiritual teacher, because her work is like art in a lot of ways. She is a master at her craft.


Working with Biet changes the way you see the world. She is a magician.


The relaxation kicks in the moment Biet starts to speak. You fall into a trance of exploring the deeper sides that we often run from!

Guided By Biet Breathwork as seen on The Tonight Show